Margie Buhler - Missions Coordinator

Margie came to the Lord in her late teens when she realized she had no excuse for her lifestyle before God. She repented partially by telling Him that she would go to church on Sunday, but leave her alone the rest of the week.

God, in his loving humour, told her to go to Africa and she went kicking and screaming. It was there that she discovered how real God is, and how involved He is in people’s lives.

After 20 years in the Mission field, she returned home, but mourned for Africa and her lifetime of friends there. Some of the Ministries on this site showcase the people she knows and trusts from her years there.

More recently, God has given her Iranian friends who need to know how loving God is.

She joyfully says, “What an honour to be used of God in this way!”

Psalm 92:14 “They will still bear fruit in old age.”

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