“When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.”
Because Christians have always been people of the Book, they have played a key role in promoting literacy and education around the world over the past twenty centuries. And, because God made the world and everything in it and is working in history to accomplish His plan, Christians have always tried to understand the times in order to faithfully participate in the good works that God has for them (Ephesians 2:10).
Discerning Readers is an opportunity to get together with others once a month to discuss a good book that each person has read through that month. Each book is chosen from a list of suggestions and, over the year, a variety of topics and genres will be covered. Anyone is welcome to join the group. Some people may participate only once or twice a year while others may choose to read every selected title.
For more information please contact us at officeadmin@valleyviewchurch.ca.